Someone tweeted that they were about to start a PhD program but they have only been 'warned' about graduate school. The person asked if there was anything uplifting or positive that others could say about the process. Here was my response:
"You will make life long friends with whom you will share a very strong bond. You will have experiences and see things that most people will never have the opportunity to do/see. You will push yourself to new heights and learn a lot about yourself during the process. Good luck!" I fully believe that graduate school is one of the most rewarding experiences that most graduate students face. In my experience, you get out of graduate school what you put into graduate school. I have put in a lot of extra hours over the past few years, working on projects not associated with my dissertation research, training/mentoring other students, and participating in extra curricular activities. From these activities, I have had opportunities to go to conferences, develop collegial relationships, and build soft skills that will help my career and help me achieve my personal and career goals. So, please, if you are considering going to graduate school focus on the possibilities, because that is where you will find yourself being the happiest and most successful.